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Cu THE A V ISUAL LOOK AT THE UPS AND DOW NS OF THE W ORLD OF STARTUPS. r v STAR T-U Welcome to the Start-Up Curve. Every entrepreneur should be familiar with the ups and downs of this roller coaster ride. If you’re ready and strapped in, let’s take a look at what’s in store at each turn of a new Start-Up. FEAR OF FAILUR E BEFORE START-UP Get into the Start-Up Mindset. Challenge the conventional by thinking what if and why. Look beyond your comfort zone, and intimidated by the wolvesConquer your fears of failure, don’t be disregard the status quo. already IDEA EXPERIMENTATION SUCCESS EXPANSION PEAK OF NAIVE ENTHUSIAS M REALITY CRASH BEFORE START-UP IDE A Grab your idea by the horns. This is the point where enthusiasm peaks without the necessary skill to manage it. Valuable, but always doomed for the dreaded reality crash. Don’t be discouraged, this happens to every Start-Up. TRENCHES OF FALSE HOPE BEFORE START-UP IDEA EXPERIMENTATIO N Manifest your ideas into a product, then experiment by continuously applying user feedback, pivot, and try again. Figure out what works and what doesn’t, and act on it immediately. Don’t slack in experimentation, adapt, survive, and then you can thrive. SLOW SLOPE OF SUCCESS BEFORE START-UP EXPERIMENTATION IDEA SUCCES S You made it. One caveat: Don’t get complacent. It’s easy at this stage to plateau. Advancements are going to slow down, but the results of hard work are starting to show as well. Keep doingexpansion. what works and continue innovations for future Try not to burn yourself out. THE PROMISED LAND BEFORE START-UP SUCCESS IDEA EXPERIMENTATION EXPANSIO N Cue the sun beams, doves, and choir. You’ve made it to the promised land without going extinct. Dig your heels in and expand. The same caveat made it, maybe it’s time toenemy, look hey, since you’ve exists, complacency is the take a but at another venture and let the cash roll in. HEAVE NLY BLISS t Cu THE CHECK OUT OUR OTHER SLIDESHOW S! 100 AngelList STA RTUPS TO WATCH r ve STAR T-U www.stinsondesi gn.com P ADVICE FOR ENTREPRENEURS @stinsond esign 1.888.960 .9851