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UC B e r k e l e y S t x a te g i s i o r k e t i n g E r t en c Ma n - P r o f e s s o r Jim P r o s t B y r o n P i t t a m / L a u r a D e l l a G u a r d i a / L i s a n d r a Maioli / R y a n Shi / S v e t l a n a F e d o r o v a A u g u s t 2 8 2 0 1 3 t h , I n t r o d u c t i o n Tesla Motors is an automobile company that strives to ween the industry off oil-‐based combus3on engines. They seek to create cars that are fun, environmentally friendly, inspire others to do the same and drive the car industry forward. 2- 2 8 P e r E l o n M u s k So, in short, the master plan is:Build sports caraffordable car Use that money to build anUse that money to build an even more affordable car While doing above, also provide zero emission electric power generaEon opEons D n't tell anyone. o h9 p ://www.teslamotors.com/blog/secret-‐tesla-‐motors‐master- lan- st-‐ etween-you-nd‐me p j‐ b ‐ u ‐ a ‐ 3- 2 8 C o r p o r a t e S t r a t e g y More EV’S! Company-owned dealerships ‐ License electric powertrain components Inspire other car manufacturers Pe r mium product (Roadster) Trickle ‐down technology Use of early ‐adopters (Silicon Valley) Take it to the mass market! SUV-crossover and mini ‐ ‐vans Cargo vans for commercial & government use. $30k target model 4- 2 8 M i l e s t o n e s 2 0 0 3Founded 2 0 0 6 Prototypes of the Roadster introduced to the public Global Green product Design Award for Roadster RecogniEon by Time Magazine -‐ “Best InvenEons -‐ TransportaEon 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 Index Design Award for Roadster Two batches of 100 Roadsters sell out fast Full producEon begins on the Roadster December ‐100th Roadster delivered O pened first retail store in Los Angeles, second in Menlo Park 2 0 0 9 Unveiled the Model S, March 26, base price $57k Opened European showrooms; London, Munich, Monaco 5- 2 8 m i l e s t o n e s 2 0 1 0 Strategic Partnership announced with Toyota IniEal Public Offering Opened Japan &Australia showroom showrooms in ConEnued with Zurich, Copenhagen, Paris, European Milan 2 0 1 1 Stopped taking Roadster orders Opened Hong Kongshowroom 2 0 1 2 Commercial deliveries of the Model S begin Unveiled Model X Began buildingSupercharger announced for staEons Model S Small price increase2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 Model S wins Model X will enter producEon 80% of US populaEon covered by Supercharger staEons Motor Trend Car of the Year Automobile Magazine’s Car of the Year Time Magazine’s Best 25 InvenEons of 2012 Push to be profitable...SUCCESS! M sk promises US to u be covered with Supercharger staEons (18 today) F parEal recall irst 6- 2 8 O t h e r E l e c t r i c C a r s 20 total models of highway capable EVs C hevrolet Volt Nissan Leaf Mt bh Mi V su s i- E i i i‐ H n ait EV o dF RAV4 EV Renault Zoe R oewe E50 Scion iQ EV C hevrolet Spark EV Smart ED Tesla7- 2 8 O t h e r E l e c t r i c C a r s More than 150,000 total vehicles have been sold since 2008 TOP S e l l i n gC hevrolet VoltNissan Leaf (75,000 as of August 2013)Mt bh Mi V(30,000 as of June 2013) su s i- E i i i‐H n ait EV o dFRAV4 EV 8- 2 8 TOP M a r k e t s Norway 7% USA 26% Fr a n c e 11% Japan 28% China 16% 9- 2 8 Te s l a Fi n a n c i a l s $20 billion market capitalizaEon, August 2013 10 year old company is worth more than Mazda, Suzuki and Fiat1 0 - 2 8 Ta r g e t A u d i e n c e Wealthy and trendy early adopters, S uccessful professionals/entrepreneurs, Upper middle class city- wellers, d ‐ Tech- avvy and green- riendly s ‐ f ‐ (eco-‐hipsters) "For that target audience (wealthy and tech-avvy s ‐ niche group), the more exclusive, the more expensive, the more exo; c, the be= er," Phil Go9, senior director of long range planning for IHS AutomoEve. h9 p ://news.naEonalgeographic.com/news/energy/2013/05/130522‐tesla-‐motors-uccess/ s ‐ 1 1- 2 8 Ta r g e t A u d i e n c e Pe r s o n a : Mark, 27 years old, lives in the Silicon Valley, where created his own start-‐ when he was just 21. up He makes a bunch of money with his Tech business, loves luxury brands, he buys products by its performance and design and is constantly a= en; ve to the new launchings in the tech area and is always the first person in his group buying the cuK n g -edge ‐ products. He is also concerned about having a healthy life and being green. 1 2- 2 8 P e n e t r a t i o n S t r a t e g y “Tesla's strategy is similar to that pursued by cell- h ne and flat-‐ creen TV makers, which po ‐ s started off selling their products to wealthy early adopters then cut prices to mainstream levels as the technology developed.” Rachel Konrad , Tesla's spokeswoman h9 p ://www.nbcbayarea.com/the-scene/shopping/Abu- h bi‐Joins- eds-s‐ Da‐ F aT ‐ ‐ ‐esla-‐ vestor.html In 1 3 - 2 8 P r o d u c t a t t r i b u t e s“Design- erformance-energy p ‐ ‐ efficiency”No dealers (the price is the price: no negoEaEon) or commissioned sales personTransacEons being conducted online 1 4- 2 8 M o d e l s 1 5- 2 8 M o d e l x 1 6- 2 8 Positioning L u x u r y C a r s Burning Fuel Cars Electric Cars Tesla is posiEoned as a high-end green ‐ electrical car's company in a luxury market with a unique customer experience V a l u e a b l e C a r s 1 7- 2 8 P r o d u c t a t t r i b u t e s “More than any other company, Tesla has helped transform the popular image of electric cars as nerdy golf carts for do- ooder greens to something that can be fun and g ‐ luxurious and packed with cuK n g -edge technology. It ‐ pioneered a new genera; o n o f electric cars. Whether Tesla can rally mainstream consumers to the world of electric mobility, however, remains to be seen.” by Josie Garthwaite for NaEonal Geographic h9 p ://news.naEonalgeographic.com/news/energy/2013/05/130522-tesla-‐motors-uccess/ ‐ s ‐ 1 8- 2 8 K S F f o r A u t o m o b i l e I n d u s t r y Quality and design of the cars; Company operaEonal efficiency and costs; S p ly and distribuEon chain efficiency; up F lexibility; MarkeEng; Compliance.1 9- 2 8 SCA’s Technology Ecosystem Excellent Performing Car 2 0 - 2 8 P r o m o t i o n “Tesla Motors has no adver; s i n g , no ad agency, no CMO, no dealer network. And that's no problem.” Michael McCarthy, AdverEsing Age 2 1- 2 8 P r o m o t i o n a l a c t i v i t i e sSocial media; Word of the mouth; Website; Trade/auto/motor shows; Tesla brand communiEes; Product reviews; Customer events; Blogs, forums; Email newsle9 ers; Press releases; CelebriEes. 2 2- 2 8 SWOT A n a l y s i s We a k n e s s e s S t r e n g t h s Well known CEO with good track recordUses Tesla Stores instead of tradiEonal distribuEon through dealers1st company to produce a fully electric luxury car Proprietary technology Based in SF Bay AreaPopular in younger age groups who are likely to use social media COao E / T oS E sl COCO fpaceX isI frastructure not yet developed for n electric carsC somers are sEll wary of such ut new innovaEons PriceT h r e a t s O p p o r t u n i t i e s I creasing awareness and n support for environmentalism Large internaEonal market potenEalNew lower-‐ rice models appealing p to a wider range of customersAdvances in tech may increaseC ompeEEon from established auto companies Lawsuits could inhibit/delay innovaEonsL so government subsidies will drive os f up prices2 3- 2 8 M a r k e t i n g S t r a t e g y Te s l a t h e ‘ C h a l l e n g e r and R u l e B r e a ke r ’ P r o s Cons Performance through technology Technology needs charging staEons New sales model and distribuEon Facing distribuEon difficulEes CO as lt Eme E hsp i No tradiEonal paid adverEsing E xcepEonally good at creaEng buzz Over achieving results S p ly and demand: ProducEon up Keeping up with compeEEon2 4- 2 8 O p t i o n s ①Stay as is, conEnue on the revoluEonary path. ②Stay in line with their high end innovaEve strategy, build their own factories so they no longer rely on outsourcing producEon. ③Get in the mass market family car game quickly before it’s too late. 2 5- 2 8 A n a l y s i s Tesla Summary Assessment AlternaEves (RaEng) RelaEve Weights OpEon 1 OpEon 2 OpEon 3 Technology .3 5 5 4 Emerging CompeEtors .2 1 2 5 New CEO .2 2 3 5 AdverEsing .1 2 3 4 ProducEon Outsourcing .1 3 1 4 Geographical Expansion .1 3 3 4 Rela3ve Weight x Ra3ng 1 2.9 3.2 4.4 2 6- 2 8 Re c o m m e n d a t i o n s Option 3 : G e t in t h e m a s s m a r k e t g a m e q u i c k l y ! Nissan Leaf is leading the market CO crucial to new vision Es i AdverEsing to keep up with compeEEon ProducEon outsourcing boost Geographical expansion 2 7- 2 8 Q u e s t i o n s ? 2 8- 2 8 Te s l a