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5 Stupid Things To Overlook When Dating A Woman MiriamBlog.com 1. Your car should be like a mobile seduction chamber • It doesn't matter if you've got the swankiest suit this side of the Italian-handmade-suitmaker's shop. You can be wearing Bulgari scent, have a Rolex, and blow your nose on silk hankies. • But none of this stuff even MATTERS if you go to drop her home at the end of the night, and she's got to rake a whole bunch of crusty fast-food boxes, crumpled cigarette packs, chocolate-bar crumbs, soft-drink cans, and sweaty sports clothes off the seat before she can so much as park her butt on your seat. • If you gross her out even ONCE ... if you make that nose wrinkle up, or cause her to say, "Eeeew!" even ONE LITTLE TIME, that's IT. • Finito! • When you gross a woman out, you kill the attraction. And no matter how much she WANTS to still feel attraction for you, THE FEELING WILL BE GONE. 2. Your hygiene must be EXCELLENT. • Would you be interested in pursuing a relationship - sexual or otherwise - if the woman in question had stale, sour breath? • How about smelly armpits? • Or sweaty feet that stunk out the room • This is not a gender-specific topic: women AND men want a partner whose hygiene is not an active obstacle to sexual attraction. • Again, this comes down to PAYING ATTENTION TO DETAIL. • Breath is the only thing that can't be handled by general clean habits, and it's a biggie. Keep breath-mints, or those little Listerine breath-tabs, with you AT ALL TIMES. Check your teeth in the mirror after you've eaten a meal to make sure it's not hanging off your gumline. • In a nutshell, make sure your hygiene is at PEAK standards. Women will notice if you're clean, smell good, and have REALLY fresh breath; it's classy and attractive. 3. You don't pepper the conversation with obscenities. • Ugh!! Do I REALLY have to go into this in detail?? • Swearing does NOT make you seem charming and interesting. 4. You don't talk about offensive topics • Some guys JUST DON'T GET THIS. I beg you, please don't be one of those guys. • YOU know the ones I mean. • The ones who'll say things like, 'Nah, I don't think drunk-driving's such a big deal. I think anyone who'd make a dumb mistake after a few bottles of beer would probably make that dumb mistake anyway.' • Or: 'Jeeeez! Have you noticed how many (insert ethnicity here)s there are in this country now?? Retreat! Retreat! We're being invaded!‘ • Or: 'OH MY GOD!! Look at that fat-ass woman over there!! Jesus, she's putting me off my meal.‘ • Or: 'Well, all I can say is, I‘d sure never hire a male babysitter. I used to be one, and I know what kind of stuff goes through their minds.‘ • Or: 'Can you not agree with me, though, that some women just NEED a good beating?‘ • Here's the bottom line, guys: stuff like this, EVEN IF YOU'RE KIDDING, will not endear you to your date. 5. You're able to be funny AND a gentleman at the same time Look: a lot of the pickup artists out there have, unfortunately, got things a little mixed up. • YES, teasing a woman gently and mildly, GENTLY AND MILDLY - is a good idea. It's a great way to build rapport and create a bond, and shows her that you're comfortable with yourself, etc etc, all of which you'll already know. • But - and this a big ol' fleshy ol' jiggly BUT - if you are teasing a woman about something PERSONAL, then you are going too far and will make her feel hurt, angry, or resentful (or a combination.) • FACT: Women do NOT LIKE IT when people make negative comments about their appearance. Even if those comments are 'meant to be' funny, SHE will not think it's funny - and it's her opinion that counts, here. • • • A woman's appearance is very important to her; she's taught, indirectly, her ENTIRE LIFE that her appearance is what controls her own level of social power. Furthermore, most women spend a LOT of time thinking about, and 'designing', their appearances. If you make a comment about this aspect of her being EVEN IF YOU'RE 'JUST TEASING' - she's not going to like it. • There MAY be SOME exceptions to this rule, but DO NOT think that the woman you're with is the exception. She's probably not. • So ACT as if she's not, and you'll both be happier that way. • Make sense? How to Make a Woman Totally Addicted to You!